Friday, May 31, 2013

MLA Works Cited

Works Cited
"98 Important Facts About Animal Cruelty." Random Facts. np, 23 Apr. 2013.Web. 29 May 2013.            
"Against Animal Cruelty ." Fanpop. Fanpop, np. Web. 29 May 2013.      
"Animal Cruelty Facts and Statics." The Humane Society of the United States.11 July 2011.                           
       Web. 15 May 2013.       
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"Animal Cruelty in Ireland and Smithfield Market." Gombeen Nation: Animal Cruelty in Ireland and       
        Smithfield Market. Gombeen Nation, 20 July 2010. Web. 29 May 2013.             
"Cat Animal Cruelty Laws Canada." Pictures of 25 May 2012. Web. 29 May 2013.        
Pratama, Pijar A. "What is Animal Cruelty?." The Animal Cruelty. np, 22 Dec. 2012. Web. 29 May 2013.             
Villavicencio, Monica. "A History of Dogfighting." npr. 19 July 2007. Web. 17 May 2013.             

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