Sunday, June 2, 2013

Project Guide

  1. Welcome! 
  2. Brain Dump
  3. Essay Outline
  4. Rough Draft
  5. Final Draft Essay
  6. Animal Cruelty Poster
  7. Diary Entry #7
  8. Public Service Announcement
  9. Animal Cruelty Survey
  10. Animal Cruelty Video
  11. Reflection
  12. MLA Works Cited 


Hey Guys! My name is Nikki and I'm a pit-bull. I live in an animal shelter. I have been living in a shelter for 6 months now after the police rescued me from my owner because he abused me. I have met different animals at the shelter that have also been abused so I have decided to make a project with the help of my new friends to teach everybody about Animal Cruelty. Enjoy Guys and I hope this project teaches you about Animal Cruelty and gives you the courage to stand up against Animal Cruelty! Ooh and here is a picture of me when I was rescued. (:

Brain Dump

Hi guys, I'm Nikki! I needed some ideas to use in my project so one of my friends here at the shelter suggested that I made a brain dump! I had no idea what a brain dump but then I learned that a brain dump is like a list of small ideas that can help to make one big idea. My brain dump will help me make my essay which I will be posting in a few days. (: Here is my brain dump!

Animal Cruelty
v  Cruelty to animal is the infliction of suffering or harm upon animals for purposes other than self-defense.
  v  The Humane society is the nation’s largest and most effective animal protection organization
  v  The following information is from
        v  In 2000-2001, pit bulls were involved in 13% of reported dog-abuse cases. In 2007, pit bulls were involved in 25% of reported dog-abuse cases.
  v  An investigation of a slaughterhouses revealed that animal cruelty abounds in the factory farm industry. 
  v  In 2007, there were 20 reported neglect cases involving cows and eight involving pigs.
  v  Many dogs are plagues with illnesses, kidney disease or heart disease as a result of poor living conditions in puppy mills.
  v  Dogfighting became prevalent in the US after the Civil War and used as a source of entertainment for police officers and firemen.
  v  It has been estimated that there are 900 to 2,000 new cases every year of animal hoarding in the US.
  v  Over 100 million animals are killed in US laboratories for chemical, drug, food and cosmetics testing every year.
  v  Most rodeo events rely on creating a stressful environment for the domesticated and often docile animals to make them run faster or buck harder.
  v  The beginning of animal cruelty has been traced back to ancient times.v  Fighting dogs has been traced back to the 12 century after the Romans invaded Britain.
  v  The British began exporting dogs to fight against larger animals like wild boar and bulls.
  v  Rooster fighting has roots deep in American history and culture.
  v  In 2007 cock fighting was made illegal in Louisiana which was the last state to ban this fighting.
  v  The abuse of farm animals wasn’t around until the early 19th century.
  v  Most farm animals are forced to endure physical and psychological abuse for months if not years on end.
  v  Farm animals are housed in overcrowded facilities with insufficient food, water, and natural light.
  v  Last year in Baltimore, a 2 year old female pit bull was doused in gasoline and set on fire. The pit survived for four days with burns over 95 percent of her body.
  v  With this project I would like to show people the effect of animal abuse.
  v  I want people to learn what animal cruelty is and how they can help an animal who are being abused.
  v  I also want people to know how they can avoid animal cruelty when they encounter an animal.
  v  Also I want to show people what they can to stop animal cruelty.
  v   I hope this project bring animal cruelty out of the dark and into people’s minds 
  v  With my common thread I would like to use the point of view of an animal that has been abused and comes in counter with other animals that have been abused.
  v  I will use the other animals as introductions to my genres that I will be using.
  v  As one of my genres I would like to make a PSA about animal cruelty.
  v  I would like to make flyers or posters with information about animal cruelty and what we can do to stop animal cruelty.
  v  If possible I would also like to do something in community.
  v  I would like to volunteer at an animal shelter.
  v  Another idea to help out in my community would maybe be like accepting donations to help an animal shelter that helps animals that have been abused.
  v  I could also find stories of animals that have been abused and somehow showcase these stories and animals for other people to learn about.
  v  There are many celebrities like Michael Vick that was arrested for dog fighting. I could also talk about this story and use his dog as part of my common thread. 

Essay Outline

Hello friends! I'm Nikki and I have decided to write an essay for my Animal Cruelty project. To make the writing process easier I made an outline for my essay. I included the main points I wanted to talk about in my essay and a few helpful websites. I hope this outline let's you guys understand more about Animal Cruelty. So here is my essay outline.

TOPIC: Animal Cruelty
 Paragraph 1)6
Attention Grabber:
                Have you ever thought of rescuing an animal from your local animal shelter? Well chances are that most animals in a shelter have been victims of animal cruelty.

                Thesis: there are many types of animal cruelty which can be found anywhere and happen to different kinds of animals, not just to dogs or cats and we need to become aware of this and learn not just how to prevent is but also learn the facts.
 Paragraph 2) What is the problem: Animal cruelty endangers many animals and t
What is  wrong with my topic is: animal cruelty happens everywhere and to all kinds of animals.
·         Websites with information regarding above issue: (This answer alone for your reference, not part of the essay)

·         Why is this a problem? (This and everything else needs to be apart of the essay.)
_This is a problem because most cases are never reported and unrecognized.
·         2 proofs from the websites that explain why the above is a problem.   (According too)

1.       According too blah blah blah webstie, Global Warming is:____________________________

§  Why does the above fact about your topic matter to everyone else:

_This means that (give statiscs.) many animals are being abused and even though we have staticcs these are estimates because most cases go without notice and animals are left victims of our ignorance. ____________________________________________________________________

2.       ___According too blah blah blah ________________________________________________

§  Why does the above fact about your topic matter to everyone else:this means that cute little innocent animals are being harmed and killed without anybody knowing.
 Paragraph 3
           How did this Happen:  (History of Animal Cruelty)
           What caused this: Animal cruelty has many sources and be traced back for many years.
Websites with information regarding above issue:
·         How did it happen
It happened because; Animal cruelty has begun for many reasons such as entertainment and farming.

2 Proofs from the website that explain why the above is a problem.   (According too)
 1.       _According to website, Animal cruelty is happening because,… people have found entertainment in abusing animals for many, many years. Even police officers have been known to take part in the entertainment of abusing animals.
§  Why does the above fact about your topic matter to everyone else:

_This means that: even back when animal cruelty first began, it was seen very lightly and not as a major issue, even police officers participated. 1. 1.       According to website: Another reason animal cruelty is happening is…. Because of farming.

§  Why does the above fact about your topic matter to everyone else:

___This means that: mostl farm animals are forced to endure physical and psychological abuse for months if not years on end. 
Paragraph 4   (NOW WHAT)
According too blah blah blah website we could fix this in many ways such as reporting animal cruelty, getting to know animals in your neighborhood, and even setting a good example for others.
·         How would the above idea fix the problems you mentioned above: This would fix it because we need to make sure that the abuse is being reported and not ignored. We must also become informed about animal cruelty and how to prevent it.

Why is this better than before?
__This is better than before because: people are starting to learn more and more about animal cruelty and finding ways to stop it. 
 Paragraph 5:  Conclusion: Tell reader what they need to do now.  Ask yourself why did I Write this?                                  Do not directly say:  “I told you this because”.
To help the animals in end and prevent other animals from being abused in the future. 

Rough Draft

Hello everybody, it's Nikki! So I poster the outline for my essay a few days ago and I just finished writing the rough draft. I added more information onto my rough draft because I felt that I needed more information since my outline didn't have a lot. Well here is my rough draft guys......

Rough Draft
Have you ever thought of rescuing an animal from your local animal shelter? Well chances are that most animals in a shelter have been victims of animal cruelty.
There are many types of animal cruelty which can be found anywhere and happen to different kinds of animals, not just to dogs or cats and we need to become aware of this and learn not just how to prevent it but also learn the facts about animal cruelty.
 Animal cruelty happens everywhere and to all types of animals. According to, animal cruelty is the crime of inflicting physical pain, suffering or death on an animal. Also according to, an organization dedicated to helping all animals, gave an estimate of how many animals were abused in 2007 which only had a 1,880 reported cases of animal cruelty. Since most cases of animal cruelty are never reported, we will never know the exact number of animals who are abused. In 2007, 1,212 cases involved dogs, 337 cases involved cats, and 470 cases involved other animals.
Investigations into slaughter houses have revealed that animals are also abused in factory farms. There were 20 reported neglect cases involving cows and eight involving pig neglect. Animal cruelty has many sources and can be traced back for many years. According to, animal cruelty has many origins. In this website we learn that people have found entertainment in abusing animals since ancient times. For example dog fighting can be traced back to the 12th century. The British began exporting their dogs to be used in fights against larger animals.
Cockfighting has roots in American history with many of the founding fathers being fond of this sport which is now illegal in all 50 states. 
Another source of animal cruelty is due to farming. The abuse of farm animals didn’t show an influx until the early 19th century. Most farm animals are forced to endure physical and psychological abuse. Most animals are given steroids to enhance growth and antibiotics to fend off illnesses that are likely to occur in the unsanitary conditions they live in. 
 According to, puppy mills are also a source of animal cruelty. A puppy mill is a commercial dog-breading facility that focuses on increasing profit with little cost. The animal’s health is not of top priority for people running puppy mills. In puppy mills, animals can spend most of their lives in cages with no room to play or exercise. Puppies in mills are usually found with bleeding or swollen paws, feet falling through the wire cages, severe tooth decay, ear infections, dehydration, and lesions on their eyes which often lead to blindness. Only 26 states in the US have laws to regulate commercial kennels to prevent animal abuse and cruelty.
According to people are cruel to animals because they don’t understand that they are actually causing pain to the animals. People that have been abused themselves will abuse animals because they think that is the only way to treat others. Some people don’t see animals as creatures but they see them as objects instead. The worst type of animal cruelty is when people know they are inflicting pain on an animal. 
So you want to help put a stop to animal cruelty?  There are many easy things that you can do to help these animals in danger. On you can find 10 ways to prevent animal cruelty. One very easy thing you can do to prevent animal cruelty is simply by setting a good example to other pet owners. Always show your pets the love and good care they deserve. Be responsible with your pets, have them spayed or neutered.
 Animal cruelty is seen everywhere and affects many animals. Without people and organizations to stand up for the poor abused animals, animals will continue to suffer for no reason. Animal cruelty has to stop and for that to happen, we need to bring awareness over these cruel action. With this project I hope to make people more aware of animal cruelty and teach them what they can do to help these innocent animals. Let’s help bring a stop to animal cruelty!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Final Essay

Hi, it's Nikki! So here is the final draft for the essay I have been writing. I made some changes to the final draft compared to my first rough draft. So here is my essay about Animal Cruelty guys! Oh and I had some help from my friends here at the shelter! (:

Animal Cruelty
Have you ever seen those incredibly sad commercial with dogs and cats that have been victims of animal cruelty? Have you ever wondered why animals are abused and want to know what you can do to help?
 There are many types of animal cruelty which can be found anywhere and happen to different kinds of animals, not just to dogs or cats. Society needs to become aware of this and learn not only how to prevent animal cruelty but we also need to learn the facts about animal cruelty.
 Animal cruelty happens all around us and to all types of different animals. According to Hill, cruelty to animals is the crime of inflicting physical pain, suffering or death on an animal, beyond necessity for normal discipline. According to “Animal Cruelty Facts and Statics”, an article found on the Humane Society’s website gave an estimate of how many animals were abused in 2007. Only 1,880 cases of animal cruelty were reported. The reason for which only these few cases were reported is because most cases of animal cruelty are never reported; we will never know the exact number of animals who are abused. In 2007, 1,212 cases of animal cruelty involved dogs, 337 cases involved cats and 470 cases involved other animals.
Investigations into slaughter houses have revealed that animals are also abused in factory farms. There were 20 reported neglect cases involving cows and 8 involving pig neglect. Again, the reason for low amounts of reported case is because many cases go without notice. We need to become more aware of animal cruelty especially since it’s been happening around us for many years. How many years you ask?
 Animal cruelty has many sources and can be traced back for many years. According to “A History of Dog fighting , we learn that Romans began to import British fighting dogs for public entertainment. Large audiences would gather to watch gladiator dogs fight against larger animals, like elephants for example. In the 12th century the practice of releasing fighting dogs into the ring with chained bulls and bears had grown to be very popular in England. For years this practice was considered a form of entertainment. Although dog fighting has been outlawed in most of the world, at least 40,000 people are involved in dog fighting.
Another source of animal cruelty is farming. The abuse of farm animals didn’t show an influx until the early 19th century. Most farm animals are forced to endure physical and psychological abuse. Most animals are given steroids to enhance growth and antibiotics to fend off illnesses that are likely to occur in the unsanitary conditions they live in.
 Puppy mills are also a source of animal cruelty. A puppy mill is a commercial dog-breeding facility that focuses on increasing profit with little cost. According to “11 Facts about Puppy Mills”, the animal’s health is not a top priority for people running puppy mills. Animals spend most of their lives in cages with no room to play or exercise. Puppies in mills are usually found with bleeding or swollen paws, feet falling through the wire cages, severe tooth decay, ear infections, dehydration, and lesions on their eyes which often lead to blindness. Only 26 states in the US have laws to regulate commercial kennels to prevent animal abuse and cruelty.
According to “Animal Cruelty”, people are cruel to animals because they don’t understand that they are actually causing pain to the animals. People that have been abused will most likely abuse animals because they think that is the only way to treat others. Some people don’t see animals as creatures but as objects instead.
So you want to help put a stop to animal cruelty? There are many easy things that you can do to help these animals in danger. According to “Top 10 Ways to Prevent Animal Cruelty”, there are many easy steps you can take to help animals being abused. One very easy step you can make to prevent animal cruelty is simply by setting a good example to other pet owners. Always show your pets the love and good care they deserve. You can also support your local shelter or animal rescue organization. This includes donated to your animal shelter and even adopting an animal from your local shelter.
 Animal cruelty is seen everywhere and affects many animals. Without people and organizations to stand up for the poor abused animals, animals will continue to suffer for no reason. Animal cruelty has to stop and for that to happen, we need to bring awareness to these cruel actions. With this project I hope to make people more aware of animal cruelty and teach them what they can do to help these innocent animals. Let’s help bring a stop to animal cruelty!

Animal Cruelty Poster

Hello welcome back to my blog. I'm Nikki and I just finished making a poster about Animal Cruelty. I used pictures of a few animals that have been in the shelter with me. I made this poster to show people how many animals live their lives; in cages and are deprived of the nutrients we need, just like the pit bull at the center of the poster. Us animals can't speak for ourselves, you are our voice!

Diary Entry #7

Hi guys. Today's post is a bit more personal and heartfelt. I met a new pit bull who just got to the shelter a few days ago. We didn't know how she got here or what had happened to her but we could all tell she was in a lot of pain. When she heard about my Animal Cruelty project, she told me that she wanted to help me. I didn't think she would do this much to help me with my project but she gave me one of her diary entries. It's a very sad story and I just want y'all to know that what happened to Martha is totally preventable! Keep Martha in your prayers and wish her a quick recovery. Her is her diary entry.

Diary Entry #7
Hello it’s me, Martha again. It’s my fifth day at the animal shelter and I am still in recovery. I still haven’t been able to tell my new friends at the shelter how I got here. It hurts me to even think about what my owner did to me. I thought he loved me and all I wanted was to make them happy but it turns out, they had other plans for me.
Well it all happened when I was looking for my owners around the house because they hadn't fed me in four days or had any water to drink. I scratched their bedroom door once because I wasn't sure if they were in there since I can go days without seeing them; they rarely let me inside the house. My owner heard me scratching the door and slammed the door open, hitting me in the snout. My owner then kicked me and dragged me out the house; he didn't even stop to check on me when I hit my paw on a wooden chair. Before I knew it, I was laying in my backyard being yelled at and kicked by my owner. He finally stopped kicking me when he ran back inside to get a matches and gallon of gasoline. I never expected what was going to happen.

I had been abused countless amounts of times but I never thought they abuse would get this bad. I had been kicked, dragged, stabbed, burned with cigarettes, had bottles throne at me, ran over, left outside in the cold, ignored and I had been called many names by my owners but I never expected what happened next. My owner came out running from the house and was heading my direction with matched and gasoline in his hand. I tried to get up and run away but I knew that I would only make him angrier. I just sat there in shock as he doused gasoline all over my aching body. The gasoline felt cold and I could smell that disgusting scent of gasoline. After I was soaked in gasoline my owner lighted a match and threw it on me. My owner just looked down at me and started laughing; I guess this was just entertainment to him.
All I remember after I was set on fire was running out to the street and falling down on the side of the road because my legs were in too much pain, I blacked out after that. I woke up in an animal shelter with vets around me cleaning my wounds. I could hear them saying that it was a miracle I had survived. I had three surgeries in the few hours since I had arrived. When I looked down at my aching body, I saw about twenty different bandages all over me.
After three days of slow recovery, I was allowed to meet the rest of the dogs and they are all so much fun! Many of my new friends have also been abused but they haven’t been set on fire like me. I plan on telling them my story one day but not yet, I still need more time to try and wrap my head around what happened to me. I know that things like this don’t just happen to me, they happen to many other innocent animals. Many animals die in the hands of their cruel owners. I wish I could do something to help. You know what, I will! I will stand up to animal cruelty!  

Public Service Announcement

Hi guys! How's everybody doing? It's Nikki and I have a new edition to my project. This is so exciting! Well like you know, I have many creative friends and one of my new friends made a PSA for you guys. His name is Ed and he hopes you enjoy this video he made. Please guys, if you ever see Animal Cruelty, REPORT IT! You can help give all animals a happy life! No animal should have to suffer any amount of pain. You can help save a life!

Animal Cruelty Survey

Hello, Nikki here! My friend Edna, she's a pit bull as well, made a survey about Animal Cruelty. She surveyed 10 other dogs that we meet at one of the local parks that we take field trips to sometimes. Edna asked 5 questions and here they are; Do you know what Animal Cruelty is? Have you ever seen Animal Cruelty? Have you ever been cruel to animals? Are you for or against Animal Cruelty? If you had the power to, would you stop Animal Cruelty? These are the results. 

Do you know what Animal Cruelty is?
Have you ever seen Animal Cruelty?
Have you ever been cruel to animals?
Are you for or against Animal Cruelty?
For Animal Cruelty-0
Against Animal Cruelty-10
If you had the power to, would you stop Animal Cruelty?
Yes- 10

From this survey we can see that out of 10 people, one person doesn’t know what animal cruelty is. There shouldn't be one person that doesn't know about animal cruelty since we live in a world where animal cruelty is around us at all times. Out of 10 people, 4 of them have witnessed animal cruelty. Nobody should ever have to witness animal cruelty and if they do, this animal cruelty should be reported to prevent more abuse upon innocent animals. From the people surveyed, nobody claims to have taken part in animal cruelty. All ten people said they are against animal cruelty and if they had the power to, they would put a stop to animal cruelty. Unfortunately, not everybody has the same mind set, we need to show people how big of an issue animal cruelty and get everybody to help bring down animal cruelty!